Tea And Destiny by Sherryl Woods

Tea And Destiny by Sherryl Woods from  in  category
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Author: Sherryl Woods
Category: Romance , General Novel
ISBN: 9781743641231
File Size: 0.75 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Ann Davies was always giving away her heart–lto her therapy patients, and to the dolphins she used to help them. For any stray kid that needed a home, she opened her arms in welcome. She never hesitated to give herself to anyone who asked. Until Hank Riley. The big contractor demanded everything––her body, her heart, her life.

Part of her wanted to give it all to him. She craved being desired, being cared for––after all, what had she ever done for herself? But another part feared everything he stood for––losing control, throwing away logic, living for the moment, surrendering. If she allowed herself to do that, what would be left when he walked away?


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