Secular Spirituality - Passionate Journey to a Rational Judaism by M. Bonnie Cousens

Secular Spirituality - Passionate Journey to a Rational Judaism by M. Bonnie Cousens from  in  category
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Category: Religion
ISBN: 9780985877828
File Size: 0.80 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Can you be spiritual without being religious? Can you be rational and spiritual at the same time? Is there an ethical dimension to spirituality? Are science and spirituality in conflict? Or is "spiritual" not the best word we can find for the "experience?" Explore the challenging question of "spirituality" for Secular Humanistic Jews with clarity, insight and emotional power.


secular spirituality
by kanakapodi akhila on March 17, 2017

secular spirituality

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