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Are you the person who has been struggling to finish multiple goals? Do small goals like being consistent with household chores or even completing a diet program seem impossible to complete? Or are you the person who has started a business but you havent reached the full goal? Regardless, if youre one of the mentioned people or just a person who wants to accomplish goals this book is for you. Like an elite marathoner, you will learn to set the pace and run the course to the finish line. This book shares the process of getting to the finish line. It shares methods and personal tips on how you can master goals and create new goals. Regardless if you desire to finish a few goals or a large goal beyond your current capacity, this book will give you sound advice to help you finish. Stop feeling unaccomplished, and incomplete. Its time for you to finish goals. Its time to start that business, write that book, start those language lessons or whatever your goals are; you can finish. Its within your reach. You must simply apply and master The Art of Finishing.
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