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Be Free is a personal memoir themed by redemption. Its a story thats not about perfection or game plans, but one of breaking down the walls that hide the mess. Its about letting your imperfections, mistakes, and insecurities be seen, then loved, then healed. Its an invitation for others to step into that journey as well. This memoir goes from consistently getting hammered drunk while trying to maintain a rockstar life image in order to keep peoples attention, to meeting Jesus. It goes from a sobbing, ashamed, self hating drunk mess wrapped up in a blanket outside of a tour bus, to dropping everything to attend a Bible College and start a YouTube channel sharing what Jesus is up to every single week. Its a story about relationships, family, friendships, heartbreak, vulnerability, and everything else in between. Theres not a lot in this book that gets left unsaid. Vulnerable and honest to the core, Be Free is not a formulaic self help book, but a real unfiltered journey of a young girl who just wanted to be loved. If you read this book, just know that it might not look very pretty at times, but it will very real. Let this book will be proof that no matter what the circumstances are, no matter how deep the wounds feel, how painful the heartbreak, how bad the mistakes were, there will always be hope. There is no place that Jesus hasnt been, no crack he hasnt seen, and no wound that he cant heal.
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