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Hi, my name is Dawn Maree and I was born with extra sensory perception that would help me to survive the horrific beginning of my life. My first childhood memory was one of a brutal rape at the tender of of three and a half years of age. The rest of my life, until the age of eleven was a blur of sexual, physical, emotional, and verbal abuse at the hands of the many members of a 1970's style "Christian Commune." My life from that age of eleven until the age of thirty-two was on of a horrific spiral straight down into the belly of hell, and the only thing that saved me from certain death were the three boys that I gave birth to and raised as a single parent. In 2002 my entire life changed as I hit rock bottom, totally screwing up not just my life, but also the lives my my three beautiful children. It was only when I put myself in "time out" and surrendered, that I started on a long journey of soul healing and learning to walk in a place of total truth and power of transparency. Up to that point where I had hit rock bottom, not one person had stepped forward to save me, so out of pure desperation and pain I made the crucial decision to take total responsibility for my life, and save myself. After I was able to stabilize my own life, and then came back to save the beautiful children who had loved me unconditionally through it all. I owed it to my boys to show them how good life could be, and I could only do this by being a living example for them, without requiring anything from them. My four page resume and 38 years of work experience is a laundry list of jobs that I never want to do again so in 2012 my life as an internet entrepreneur began and I have never looked back. I now make 8-10k a month, live in a high-rise apartment in Portland, OR, and now have three thriving internet businesses. Fear, guilt, and shame are no longer my constant companions, and I have learned that I am POWER, I am LOVE, I am ABUNDANCE, I am JOY and HAPPINESS...I AM TRANSPARENT!
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