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This book helps you learn how to harness the power of the principles of well-being to free yourself of addictions and self-destructive behaviors. The principles of well-being taught in this book were used by the author to help her recover from alcoholism and learn to lead a happy and more fulfilling life. In it she shares the secrets to such things as learning to build a foundation of self-love, letting go of the past, getting in touch with your emotions, forgiving yourself and others, finding abundance in your life, becoming a new person, and writing a new life story. You’ll be provided with practical exercises and application for how to incorporate these principles into your daily life. You’ll learn how to build new life-affirming habits and behaviors that can turn you way from your addiction and self-destructive behaviors and on to a road of freedom from them! The principles of well-being are: Principle 1 – We’re all a WIP (Work in Progress) Principle 2 – Self Love is the Foundation Principle 3 – The Past is Gone Forever Principle 4 – Purge the Critic – Be Your Own Champion Principle 5 – You’ve Got Feelings – Express Them Principle 6 – Keep Your Power by Owning It Principle 7 – Abundance is Attitude Principle 8 – You are Spirit – Nurture Your Soul Principle 9 – Resistance is Futile – Surrendering Will set you Free Principle 10 – Forgiveness – It Starts with You Principle 11 – Who you are now is What Matters Most Principle 12 – Your Story is Yours to Write The book also provides an overview on addiction and aspects of how it functions and keeps us prisoners in our own lives. But, by learning and living the principles of well-being anyone can break free of addiction and self-destructive behaviors, just like the author. Learn how to live these principles and you too will live a happier, healthy, and positive life.
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