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DR. Mark S. Mathusa has practiced veterinary medicine for over 28 years and has witnessed the horrors associated with vicious dogs and canine attack. The majority of dog attack victims are children. These kids can be maimed, disfigured, or killed. The author knows many of the 4.7 million dog bites that occur annually in the U.S. could be prevented if parents were better informed. My Dog Doesnt Bite, by way of multiple sources and references, lists the dogs most likely to attack, maim, and kill. Readers will learn the myths and excuses used by owners of dangerous breeds in an effort to deflect criticism. There is also a discussion of little known diseases that humans, especially children, can contract from pets and wildlife. These diseases can be found in unexpected places and can cause severe illness, including blindness and death. There are a number of patterns associated with canine attack. These observations, along with veterinarians unique perspective, are used to educate readers on how to avoid becoming a canine attack victim. Read accounts from persons who were mauled by vicious dogs. Witness the frustration of canine attack victims, or their survivors, as lives are shattered in a matter of minutes.
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