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A Christians journeying through life on earth, we have the blessed promise that there is life beyond this mortal plane. Yet when death comes to a loved one, we often are caught off guard and left defenseless against this great enemy. Sorrow and despair knock at the doors of our hearts and threaten to steal away the peace that should be ours. We struggle for hope amidst so many unanswered questions. Smith's heartwarming personal experience reminds us of the hope that is ours. In The Gift, she explores her special relationship with her grandmother over four decades, taking the reader on a journey from the simple days of her youth through the responsibilities and realities of adulthood. Although bodily death comes to all of us, it is not the end of the story. Smith's hope, as it is for all Christians, is sustained by the love shared on the earthly journey - and beyond. And now there three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
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