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You are about to easily learn the "little-known" skills, know-how and techniques of... - How to "program" a woman's mind and body to respond to you in highly pleasurable and exciting ways...so that she will want to be with you more and more, with each passing day! - How to turn her on just by using your voice! Imagine being able to send a flood of pleasurable feelings through her body just by talking...even if you happen to be reading something as boring as an instruction manual, or even a phonebook! - How to get her friends, and family, to become envious - even jealous - of the way you can make her feel. And, watch how they all continue to make her feel better and better about being with you - and about wanting to keep you around all the time! - How to "prime the pump" so that all the influence and persuasion techniques you learn will work on her even more powerfully than ever before! And that's just the start of this crazy, pleasure-ride you're about to take...
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