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This book or program is unlike any other on the market. There are many self help books, authors, personal or Spiritual coaches, all saying why their way is the best. It is amazing as you read their ideas of how to find your happiness in life. So what makes this book different? It is not another way by another man trying to tell you how smart I am or how I have it all figured out. Instead it is simply a book that leads you to the only WAY, as their is only one WAY. In this WAY you will not find happiness, as happiness is a desire that cannot be fulfilled. If you seek happiness, you seek for it in vain! The process described in this book will actually will bring you to a deeper level in life that is obtainable, an amazing peace, joy and a true Love in your life that will then make you happy. How can you not be happy if you have peace, joy and love in your heart, and nothing bad? This is not about a religion, it more than that, it is a way of life that allows you to live to the fullest, but yes it is based on the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. Even if you do not believe Jesus is God, you still need to read this because Jesus had all the answers to all your hearts desires, whether you want to give him the Glory he deserves as being our God or not, does not reduce the importance of understanding the principals he taught and how they will change your life if you truly practice and live them. This book does not give the answers to your specific problems, it gives the answer to all problems and how to overcome them. By understanding the principals and living them out in your life, it will take care of all problems, and lead you into all righteousness. You will become the best father or mother, brother or sister, friend or even enemy. You will be amazed at the life you will live once you understand these truths, again not any truths specific in the book or to you, but a guide to lead you to where you will understand all truth. "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and then all other things will be given to you!" If you come into the right Spirit or Kingdom, and live in it, then everything else takes care of itself . This book explains how you find this Kingdom or Spirit, and the process to go through to get there based on personal experience! I do live the Cinderella story life, taking 45 years to get here! And so can you if you simply know the truth!
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