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"Our Legacy of Love" looks at what makes a happy marriage and inspires those seeking a lasting commitment. How does one stay married for half a century? For Peggy and Ken Koehler their marriage was a combination of unconditional love, humor, hardships, prayer and success. “We had no choice but to make it work.” The author said. “We couldn't afford to do otherwise. Failure was not an option.” Although Ken passed away prior to the writing of this memoir, Our Legacy of Love includes his own words through letters and newspaper articles he'd written. Their story is told with wit and style and offers a unique view of the highs and lows of their fifty year relationship – five children, interracial “at-risk” foster kids, resident in-laws, financial disasters, and numerous cross-country moves. The text is an honest and deeply-moving diary of a marriage that actually endured the teenage years, humorously described in one chapter as Lion’s Den experiences. Legacy features an amazing collection of real-life stories including their wedding day commitment to love each other forever and ever; a traveling salesman husband; those that came to dinner and never left, plus all the etceteras many of us cope with on a daily basis. All will benefit from reading the faith-inspired messages that kept this marriage and family God-centered when faced with heartache and loss. Ken’s favorite sentence whenever assailed with disappointments and setbacks: “Remember, Sweetheart, there’s a strawberry in every patch.” The key in any relationship is to never lose your sense of humor, at least at the same time. The author describes their family’s challenging exploits as “Red Sea” encounters – where the waters start to rise before you've made it to shore. “This book is a true work of heart and soul...a woman's loving tribute to the man she loved for over 50 years. Peggy invites you into her family's home and takes you back to a simpler time with humor and attention to detail. You will want to curl up in their living room and not leave," reviewer Julia of Oceanside, CA said describing the book. Richly-layered and poignant, Our Legacy of Love is filled with inspiration and is highly recommended whether you’re engaged, married, a single parent, or just yearning to jump-start a relationship.
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