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Anne Hagan is off again to the GCLS Con; this year in fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada. In honor of 'con month' she's offering this sampler pack of four complete works (three novels and a short story) for a limited time. It's a mixture of her mysteries and her romances or, as Anne likes to say, "Family, Friends, Love Murder and Mayhem."  She hopes you enjoy the books as much as she enjoyed picking them out for this compilation.

Dana's Dilemma: The Morelville Mysteries – Book 3

What happens when Mel runs for Sheriff, an Amish girl runs away from home and Dana runs – er, limps - for cover? Can anything else possibly go wrong for these two ladies of law enforcement? Sure it can and it will!

Can the two sometimes lovers work it all out once and for all and finally have a happy life together or will more crime, murder and mayhem get in the way? 

Broken Women
Where do you go when you lose everything? Who do you turn to next when nobody seems to want you for more than a casual fling?

When death unexpectedly takes the love of your life, the best you can do is to try to cope and to hold on to the good memories. When your beloved's family takes everything else you have, hope is all that's left…if you can hang on to that.

You've been smitten more than once. You've even been in love a time or two. The trouble is, your feelings are always only yours. Cupid's arrow always fails to land.

Can two love-weary people, from different worlds, find strength together? Can they find more and even a happily ever after?

Opera House Ops: The Morelville Cozies – Book 2

Sinister goings-on including the discovery of a dead body at a vacant late 1800's era opera house in Morelville have the residents of the village all tied up in knots. When what first appears to be an accident turns out to be murder, a duo of meddling mothers quickly gets enmeshed in a round of crime solving. It doesn't help that, everywhere they turn, a property hungry developer with more money than sense, wants the land the building sits on and he'll seemingly stop at nothing to get it.

Is there really another killer in their midst? Is the same person responsible for all of the strange occurrences? What will it take to make the crimes stop, make a developer go away and to save the historical building for future generations?

Loving Blue in Red States: Salt Lake City Utah

Amanda Allred's getting tired of being in the closet for her dull, boring banking job. She's frustrated with the whole boys' club atmosphere there and the 'good ol' boy' mentality that goes along with it. Salt Lake is thriving culturally and she wants to be a part of it all; openly and freely in the Utah she's always loved. 

Rebecca Musser is finally living the life she once only dared to dream she could when she was stuck in Provo under her father's thumb and the watchful eyes of her mother. The manager of the gay coffee shop who took a chance on her and gave her a job has taken her under his wing. She doesn't have a lot but she has enough, she has friends and she's finally happy. There will be no marriage arranged for her by her father; no thank you! 

When Amanda, a total stranger, steps in and defends Rebecca to her mother one day, the two women feel the instant spark of attraction. Rebecca's interested. So is Amanda. 

Can Amanda step out of her bubble, go against the church and the old boy network, and take a chance on finally finding love?

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