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Have you ever bartered products or services? What would you say if someone exchanged Indian pottery for their accountant's tax services? Is that bartering? Can they be taxed? Well, they can. And that's why IRS examiner Sarah Hunter descends upon a small river town in Iowa, like a fox in a hen house, to investigate potential tax resisters who barter. Her mission is clear. Get the government's money. But is the big government machine right? Or, do these small town neighbors have the key to survival? As the lovely Sarah Hunter pursues the truth, she must deal with the man she left waiting in Chicago. Then there are the men in Clayton. The one who saved her life, another who stoked her passion, and a third who gave her a precious gift, meant for another woman. How do these experiences affect her work and her decisions, as she discovers secrets within the community even its resident's don't know? Only one man, hidden in the shadows, holds the clue. How will her decisions affect the man who loves her, and her ability to keep the secret he shared with her? Will the government use her to destroy his friends and the community?
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