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A Warrior's Heart

From the moment Emryss Delanyea stole her away to his dark and misty valley filled with ancient magic, Lady Roanna Westercott felt safe for the first time in years. Though he bore the scars of battle, the Welshman seemed invincible. Little did Roanna know how much Emryss would come to depend upon her quiet strength.

Returning home from the Crusades with his body disfigured, Emryss had put aside all thoughts of women and love forever, until he met the Lady Roanna. The fragile woman had a will of iron, but was she strong enough to heal his warrior's heart?

A Warrior's Quest

Saucy Fritha Kendrick wore the mantle of her nobility lightly, eschewing courtly ways to tend to the practical needs of the local villagers. And Urien Fitzroy damned himself for wanting her. For the seasoned warrior's nightmare past would surely harden even Fritha's loving heart.

Marked by the lethal grace of a lion in repose, mercenary Urien Fitzroy was sleek and dangerous. Yet Fritha Kendrick found that the soldier of fortune stirred a passion deep within her... and dared her to venture into the wild places of his soul!

A Warrior's Way

Welshman Hu Morgan could scarce believe that Fate had granted him a beauteous Norman wife and bountiful lands. Yet he was beginning to wonder if his rejoicing had been a little premature.

Morgan was a bold and powerful knight. Indeed, Liliana's new husband awakened her deepest desires. But Morgan would have to learn to curb his rough-edged ways if he expected her to willingly share his bed!

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