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“Origin of the New Dawn”, Book One of the Prophesy of the Six Trilogy, introduces readers to the Parallel World, the Rank of the Cowl, and five teenagers whose destinies are linked to the ‘Prophesy of the Six’. The Parallel World is “…the Realm that exists between the World of Mortals and The All. It is where the common can become extraordinary; and that which is extraordinary can become common.” Raised in the World of Mortals, sixteen-year-old twins Sarah and Todd Summers have always known what their mortal friends do not: wizards and other paranormal entities are not imaginary characters created for tales such as the ones their parents write to entertain readers and movie goers – they actually exist. Direct descendants of Seraphina – the greatest Wizard ever known to the Parallel World, Sarah and Todd are initially sent to Nimrod Hall to commence their ‘coming of age’ and that is where they first encounter the fallen wizard, Oricon. Having amassed his army of minions and fallen wizards through coercion, deceit, and bribery, Oricon knows that if he is to rule the Parallel World, he must not allow the twins to ‘come of age’. If Sarah and Todd fail in achieving their destinies then, the World of Mortals and the Parallel World will fall into chaos.
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