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SRI YOGA VASISHTHA, a comprehensive spiritual dialogue between Sri Ramchandra and Sri Vasishtha, is a unique work of Indian Philosophy and a well-known text of Vedanta. It offers practical guidance to true seekers of all types. The original text in Sanskrit by Sri Valmiki and its subsequent translations are very voluminous. Realising its importance Dr R.M. Hari prepared an abridged version of Sri Yoga Vasishtha in question and answer form. It follows the order of the original Sanskrit text. Referring to Sri Yoga Vasishtha in a lecture delivered in the U.S.A. in 1904, the great Indian saint Swami Rama Tirtha had said. "One of the greatest books, the most wonderful according to Rama ever written under the Sun is 'Yoga Vasishtha' which nobody on the earth can read without escaping God consciousness." Dr R.M. HARI (1912-80) was a great Sufi saint. His own life bore a testimony to what is contained in the text and it symbolised equanimity. desirelessness, contentment and egolessness. He was thus competent to prepare a simplified and abridged version.
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