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RM 116.70

This guidebook is structured like this; first, the ten most critical questions are being raised about whether you should take the process of business process redesign. Start with the first question, ‘Redesign, why is that?’ There are five other subsidiary sub-questions in this question. These questions are actually designed to assess your inner response. If one of your answers fails to meet these questions, it can be seen that you may not be able to cope with the development of the overall situation, so it’s best to ask you to immediately abandon the idea of process change, in other words, this may reduce the losses you will face! On the other hand, if you have passed all these issues, your feedback will be used to draw a preliminary roadmap for competition. This roadmap is a very important documnet for guiding you the direction you will be going through, or why you are making such decisions, and then how you will develop strategies to cope with these challenges, and so on. The next challenge is that, before the real competition begins, you will expect to understand a few key concepts to improve your core competencies. As you know, competitors are the big boys in the market, who have plenty of resources and many reasons to win the competition; on the contrary, you are constrained by resources everywhere. However, you want to take the right action in order to gain some market share and make proactive preparations and efforts. Now that you are ready to fight the big boys in the real game, after knowing who you are in the competition, and your strengths and weaknesses. The real competition is officially unveiled! And then, you will hire two ‘life-guards’ from the self-advisory disciplines as your back-up players. They would play very important role throughout the competition. It is suggested that you should pay them, and if necessary, they will be able to help you compete for a chance to win. The consultants will play their part and provide you with the necessary expertise to gain the market share you would otherwise want to take. However, you have to expect some unexpected crises to occur on the journey, and will you still be able to continue to focus on the initial entrepreneurial motivations? Or have you been distracted and caused you to fail? Your consultants will be activated during the critical time, because they will be able to provide you with guidance in order to keep you stay focused until you pass the storm safely. Their main tasks include assessing the business environment, brainstorming to come up with distinctive strategies to cope with unexpected situations, and identifying and determining the stealth adversaries in the competition. Once you’ve completed these processes, they will help you design a ‘trap’, which is actually your business model, and ultimately start your fight between you and the big boys. The business model is to grab the market share you want from them. At the end of this book, there is some exercise questions prepared in the form of worksheets, individual cases, and assessment feedback. In the summary section, you will be informed of your overall strengths and weaknesses in the competition by your facilitator.
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