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Roger Anderson grew up in an era when America was still being settled, crafted, divided and fought. Barefoot ranch hand, student of flight, WWII bomber pilot, business owner, Hollywood movie actor, radio DJ, award-winning national radio/television/print commercial producer, photographer; Rogers story is one filled with many assorted chapters. While he was ultimately the sum of those diverse experiences, he was indisputably one-of-a-kind. As the Master Storyteller, his true-life adventures enthralled everyone lucky enough to be within earshot. They had an aura of fiction, being so dramatic and removed from our own reality. As he wrote them down later, in his inimitable reporter/commercial copywriter style, they documented global history and events that we’d only previously read about in textbooks. Rogers story, with the countless twists and turns his life inevitably took while on “the road less traveled,” is also a story of our country; the heroes and villains who created it, the major milestones, accomplishments, battles and scars, proudly carried within its history.
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