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The general public tends to think of séances and mediumship as fraudulent. Some few people may have vague doubts and think – perhaps even hope – that there are some “real” mediums that actually can connect and communicate with spirits of the deceased, but the majority of people have doubts. Yet just because it is easy to duplicate something in a fraudulent manner, does not mean that the real thing doesn’t exist. There has been a long history of people fooled by con artists pretending to be mediums, and bilking bereaved widows and widowers out of large sums of money, on the pretext of putting them in touch with their departed loved ones. Yet there have also been a large number of fraudulent insurance salesmen, bankers, politicians, television evangelical preachers, investment consultants, and more. There is life after death and it is possible to make contact with the Spirit World. It is also possible for many people – if not most – to themselves become mediums through whom such contact may be made. This book offers information on how to do so.
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