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RM 13.92

With a fabulous job, designer outfits, a posh flat, and glamorous trips abroad, fashionista and public relations executive Sabbie Chua seems to have it made/ And when she manages to snag a big client for her firm, it seems as though there’s nowhere else for her career to go but up. All she needs is the man of her dreams – and, well, she’s almost there, if she can get hunky architect Gil to finally commit to being her boyfriend. But the course of true love doesn’t run smooth and her high-flying life comes crashing to a halt after a crushing heartbreak and a major, humiliating office gaffe. When Sabbie has to bid goodbye to her thousand-dollar handbags and expensive high heels and say hello to thriftstore finds and a penny-pinching life, she discovers that going from high maintenance gal to low-budget babe is no easy struggle…And that’s before she got wind of how much she needed to pay off her credit card bill…
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