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There’s an old Russian proverb that says: Every day is a messenger of god. That’s what I hope Every Day Is A Blessing will be for you — a daily message that lifts your spirit and delights your soul. When you look inside, you’ll discover a vast array of wise sayings, proverbs, and stories from the world’s great spiritual traditions and cultures. You'll also find hundreds of quotes, jokes, and anecdotes given to us by the great souls of our planet. There's everyone from Jesus to Buddha to Mother Teresa; Aesop to Abraham Lincoln to Yogi Berra; St. Francis of Assisi to Albert Einstein to Anne Frank; Martin Luther King to Muhammad to Muhammad Ali; Confucius to Shakespeare to Chief Sitting Bull; Marilyn Monroe to Mark Twain to Michelangelo; Mahatma Gandhi to Helen Keller to John F. Kennedy and Dolly Parton to the Dalai Lama.
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