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No one was more aware of their position in life than governess Prudence Hursley. Fresh from the Paddington Charitable Seminary, soft–hearted Prue expected to see little of her new employer, Mr Julius Rookham, and was prepared for a life of lonely independence.

However, Julius's willful niece continually threw Prue into his path, and the more she got to know the dashing confirmed bachelor, the more she found herself wishing for the impossible. So when Julius began actively seeking out her company, she couldn't help but wonder if perhaps dreams did come true…


The star pupil from the Paddington Seminary, governess Miss Helen Faraday, prides herself on her common–sense approach to work. But Lord Eden Jarrow's imposing abode is enough to test the steadiest of nerves – and the brooding man enough to test the steadiest of hearts!

Can one with such a shadowed past be capable of love, and loving a governess at that? When Nell is drawn into a desperate battle alongside Eden to save his young daughter from an unexpected, unknown danger, she is set to find out…

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