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Traveling to an unknown destination ignites our desire for adventure. It opens the door for us to step outside our “box” and see the world from a new perspective. For that treasured amount of time, we get to leave behind the mundane and get transported into a whole new way of life and see sights that are beyond our expectations. But there is also the practical side of traveling—getting through the exhaustive security measures at airports, entry/exit requirements of foreign countries, safety and health aspects from being exposed to new environments—and finally what our budget says we can afford. We don’t have to let those necessary evils” steal the excitement of our travels. Oftentimes we spend two or more days just traveling to and from our destination and several days/weeks in preparation. This somewhat daunting part of travel can be made easy. You have already proven that you are a savvy traveler—because you are preparing for your travels in advance. This book is your answer—an all-inclusive resource to traveling in the U.S. and abroad—from planning where to go, how to save money and avoid unnecessary fees, packing, unusual lodging options, staying healthy and safe, traveling with your children or pets, insurance needs, and much more. It goes beyond travel tips to travel specifics and includes information for those traveling with special health issues, those with disabilities, our honorable soldiers in the military, and more. You’ll learn how to sidestep the pitfalls and outsmart the “would be” thieves and scammers that may try to spoil your trip. And if your destiny is the beach, you’ll know how to spot threatening water conditions such as rip currents. You’ll learn how to avoid or escape them—which could save your life. When you return home, you will be ready to start planning your next exciting adventure!
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