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This book is an instructional guide aimed at helping someone navigate an insurance claim -- whether auto accident, slip and fall, workman's compensation case, or whatever else -- and be able to do so without necessarily needing an attorney. This covers virtually EVERY ASPECT of a claim, from how to deal with and negotiate with insurance companies, how to compile a professional settlement demand to send to the insurance company, how to "STRUCTURE" medical billings and insurance in a way that will net you more money in your pocket, how to select given doctors and WHY, and numerous other important facts. The guide is UNIQUE in that it covers areas encompassed in no other legal guides; including strategy and winning without necessarily having a "winning hand." This informational/instructional guide gives excellent first hand knowledge, experience and tactics wrought from decades of experience in the legal field. Included are bonus appendix sections which give a SAMPLE settle demand as sent to a real insurance company; a comprehensive list of insurance company regional and home office addresses and phone numbers in case that is needed in the settlement-negotiation phase of handling the claim;l a list of lenders which can give advances against prospective personal injury cases, and much, much more useful information. This instructional guide has been developed as a COMPREHENSIVE aid to help someone navigate the waters of personal injury, and do so successfully without having to give away 33% to 50% of the proceeds of their case settlement. An excellent all-around book that covers EVERY facet necessary to be completely successful in the handling of ANY type of injury claim. Unmatched by any other resource on the market.
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