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Much debate continues within the Christian faith as to whether a person is instructed to tithe to the Church in the Modern Era. Both sides of the divide are equally convinced as to their belief. The Privilege of Tithes and Offerings offers the reader the opportunity to explore what is really meant when we tithe or offer one’s contributions to God. Do we do it begrudgingly or do we do it as a mark of our true heart condition in relation to all that God has given to us? The reader is left with that decision for themselves but the author challenges each and every one as to where their treasure is. God doesn’t need our money. He doesn’t sit on His throne with a ledger writing down what you have given him in your offerings. Perhaps many of us should be thankful that He does not. Ultimately, every Christian, whichever side of the divide they stand, should have a willing heart in offering to God their Time, Talent, Treasure and Touch. Tithes and offerings are truly a privilege from God, inviting us to step out in faith and put our trust in Him.
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