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I didn’t want to recognize or experience the realities normally left to the boundaries of the unknown, but at an early age, I was initiated. Forced at first ... to participate and later guided on a life long journey into the world of the supernatural. Venture into my world … chronicled with frightening and surreal true-life adventures that stretch out over the first half of a lifetime. A roller coaster ride that moves across continents and back again. A parade of life lessons stamped out on a stage filled with clairvoyants, psychic realization, past life regression, mediums, the tarot, demonic forces and premonitions. All of it coming to fruition as I move up the ladder in the London art scene. If I can help, other unknowing individuals manage the minefield of this strange and intriguing world thru my experiences, then my job is done. You may not believe in this world, but it believes in you. Reality is stranger than your imagination. This book is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it covers a lifetime of fantastic experiences. Scary, dark and troubling days, and on the other side there is an undeniable metamorphosis taking place. An astounding personal continuum of growth evolves against spell binding odds. I have witnessed great joy and great pain and come out the other side whole. Duality is a common perpetual proclivity that was skillfully integrated into this book and many parts of my existence before I was born. The universe is all about timing. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that both my raising sign and moon are squarely placed in Gemini. Good and evil, positive and negative, Ying and Yang ... cause and effect, it’s the stuff of life. It must be there for us to transmute and transcend. Without fraction and polarity there can be no growth, no action, and no stage. We have inherited a world of suffering that must be transcended through the development of pointed direction, fostering evolution to a higher level of consciousness. Some might call this spiritual state inner harmony, but then once achieved that inner harmony of self, may very well become the discordant vibration in the room, and in a world of chaos and imbalance those in harmony are sometimes looked upon, as dissidents. That’s what I want people to walk away from when they read this book. We are so much more then religions and governments or social orders say we are. We are divine, unique creatures and the universe is a menagerie. Fraught with joy and danger, and that is life! Nothing is black or white that is the grand illusion. From my prospective, everything happens in the ubiquitous fields of fluctuating shades of gray. The structure of this book and its contents are unorthodox, as it does not conform to a standard chapter and section format. Instead, the book discusses or identifies a specific supernatural or spiritual issue first, followed by a story describing one of my personal experiences with that specific supernatural or metaphysical issue.
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