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Onesimus! One of the million-plus people in ancient Rome. Alone, hungry, dirty, thin, beat-up, scavenging through the rubbish heaps or just enough to survive another horrible day. A criminal, runaway slave, a thief. Fit to be tied and crucified. There was no way out of this mess he created for himself. But God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. A people touched by this God came into contact with this lonely soul. Acceptance, love, forgiveness, grace, truth, and hope touched Onesimus as nothing else could. And with all eyes watching he is TRANSFORMED. But there is a problem. The man who led him into this transforming relationship with Jesus had also, years earlier, led Onesimus' master into the same. These two are now brothers in Christ but are in a "violent" relationship that must be reconciled. The letter of Philemon, in the Bible, was carefully planned, crafted, and sent - with Onesimus - in an attempt to spare Onesimus' life and bring Christian reconciliation between Paul's two sons. Remarkable!
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