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The book for couples seeking to enhance their long distance relationship or LDR. Surviving a relationship isn't easy, and surviving a long-distance romance takes work ... very hard work. Attempt it blind without a plan, and you may be looking at rocky times ahead. Or much worse, a break-up. So don't give up and lose someone you're meant to be with for the rest of your life. Teresa and I weathered many storms and hung in there together, which is why we wrote The Keys to a Long Distance Relationship: A Couple's Guide. • Build Trust • Become More Patient • Increase Your Friendship • Communicate Better Join us as we discuss the keys to a thriving long distance relationship. Learn how friendship can enhance your feelings of love so you can share a meaningful and long lasting relationship. We’ll look at ways to communicate better so you can build the trust and respect that you both need. Using the experience of many couples and the personal experiences of the authors, the book reveals various keys that you may know about but are unsure of how to build upon. The book explains in detail the means to a fruitful relationship. It further aids you and your relationship by providing resources that are crucial to building these keys, such as communication and patience. Communicate with the authors via their social media pages and share your stories and pictures. Together as we learn and become stronger our Long Distance Relationships will thrive.
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