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Time After Yesterday tells the extraordinary tale of an ageless and timeless, true but forbidden love between two cousins. It begins over fifty years ago when Annie and Reed were young children sharing their daily lives and depending on each other for everything. The best of friends, they loved each other throughout their childhood. However, as they matured. their love for one another turned into more than just a love between two cousins, it had become truelove, deep and genuine. Yet the love they shared was looked upon as disgraceful, immoral and shameful in their family's eyes and was ultimately forbidden. Therefore, they were forced apart unable able to find each another again. Now, fifty years later, Annie, who is an obstinate, yet loving woman, is lying in a hospital bed with her health rapidly failing. Aside from her health issues, Annie is emotionally distressed but won't accept help from one of the top Psychiatrists in the area. The doctors try to help her understand that if she feels better emotionally, it will also benefit her physical health but Annie still gives them a hard time although deep inside she knows they're right. Embarrassed and frightened, Annie remains adamant until one day when she unexpectedly gives in to their surprise. It's not long when the doctors realize just how much stress and emotional pain Annie is filled with – the painful memories of the past. Lying alone in her room, Annie shivers remembering the coldness of the convent her parents had sent her to, the cruelness of the nuns and how she and all the other girls were treated. She thinks of the days, months and years that followed – the secrets, the lies and all the unanswered questions. She thinks of her daughter and how she has lied to her. But most of all, she sadly wonders "what has become of Reed?" Even after all the years that have passed, her heart still aches for him. Has he forgotten her? What did they do to him all those years ago? Was he also sent away? Is he even
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