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Faced with a threat so diabolical that if allowed to succeed, this novel?s disaster scenario could make 9/11 look like a benign outbreak of the common cold. In The Ring, The Bomb, and the Word, a crack trio from the religious ?Unit,? an arm of the anti-Terrorism Task Force of Homeland security, is handed the seemingly impossible task of thwarting just such a disaster. The three agents must track down a previously unheard of home-grown terror group with unlimited sources, a nuclear bomb, and what the terrorists see as a direct mandate from God to prevent the marriage of 10,000 same sex couples from taking place. Will this be a ?death do us part? scenario? The Unit must track down a suitcase bomb as it is transported from a former Soviet Union stronghold across Europe to the West, by some of the most deadly and shadowy couriers alive. In an ironic twist, the agents become the hunted, and barely escape death. In the end, the leader of the trio, Chuck Chisholm, finds himself alone, holding the fate of a South Florida community dependant on his life or death decision. He must find within himself a spiritual dimension he never knew existed.
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