Wedding Woes by Marcia Dove

Wedding Woes by Marcia Dove from  in  category
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Title: Wedding Woes
Author: Marcia Dove
Category: General Novel
ISBN: 9798350951219
Publisher: Bookbaby
File Size: 3.86 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Wedding Woes - Short Version HARASSMENT, REVENGE, AND INCOMPETENCE - Justice for the recent murders on the PSU campus may have been served, but the hatred, bigotry, and bullying didn't go away. Maggie and her finance, Trip Evans, should be planning their wedding when a Panhandle State University employee is shot at the River Town Hotel. Trip, a potential witness, is targeted next. When Maggie receives a threatening note, she and Trip, in fear of their lives, go into hiding. Things must change in River Town if they are ever going back.


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