It Does Matter by Eleanor Robins

It Does Matter by Eleanor Robins from  in  category
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Author: Eleanor Robins
Category: General Novel
ISBN: 9781630786519
File Size: 0.39 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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The students of Carter High return for their senior year. These books continue the stories from Carter High Chronicles and introduce new characters. Topics are involving and pertinent to young adult readers: romance, sports, friendships, exams, work, family. In just 48-pages, struggling readers can easily complete each novel. Laine used to think that it was OK to be a few minutes late. She often put her own needs before others, especially her best friend, Tess. But Laine finds out the hard way that being late does matter. Will she learn to be on time?


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