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The misuse of technology causes a series of violent cataclysms. The Natural Environment is destroyed, and mankind is headed for extinction. During the event, the great oracle portal is destroyed, the esoteric bridge connecting the earth to worlds seen and unseen. After the event powerful entities step in to save mankind. These entities send down elemental beings to the surface of the earth to restore it. One of the species sent is the water sprites. The entities create four new races of humans to replace the genetically impaired survivors. A new afterlife world is created and the underworld is redesigned. But the entities are not able to restore the great portal. It requires humans to do it. Thus begins the sixth age of mankind. Each of the four new races is given a sacred mission, to earn the second chance. The first assignment is to the Asuo Peoples, to create again the great oracle portal that connects earth to other realms and worlds. The Oracle of Khemsa Nu is the story of mankind’s struggle to complete this first great task and prove that he is worthy of the grace of the Nnommo.
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