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THE OBSERVER is a radical trilogy of works that will bring to light the most terrifying question ever to be unearthed in the modern world. Incisive and robust in its research, this odyssey confronts a disturbing and arcane enigma that has roamed Earth since antiquity. Underscored by a time-layered landscape of historical and political events from the space programs of the USA and the USSR, between 1961 and 1970, an unimaginably bizarre and deathly fraud is brought to light. One so vast in stature it will be virtually impossible for the public mind to comprehend, let alone believe. Stripped of its shining façade NASA’s monumental Apollo space program is exposed as a glittering Trojan horse with a hidden function. It is the first major step in the development of a space-borne nuclear strike force. But for what greater purpose? What threat could there be requiring such an antidote, in the cold emptiness of space?
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