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Angels, Ghosts & Humans: 205 Photographs by 30 Photographers Of The 2013 Tucson All Souls’ Procession Weekend. Edited and Introduction by Stu Jenks. Photography by Randy Ashley, Dominic Arizona Bonuccelli, Katherine Page Burdick, Jody Cummins, Paul Davis Sr., Paul Davis Jr., Kathleen Dreier, C. Elliott, Leslie Ann Epperson, Lisa Foote, Larry Guarano, Jessica Hately, Tim Janes, Stu Jenks, Steven Johnstone, Emily Ann Jones, Gerry Loew, Addie Mannan, Rick Meinecke, Karel Moonen, Brendan Guy Murphy, Chris Novellino, Rachel Running, Kike Seba, Neal Savage, Calvin Smith, Jeff Smith, Susan Tiss, Jason Vildusea, and Warren Van Nest.
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