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RM 4.20

Do you like the bible? I used to read it like a Sith Master, and it is fun. This is another approach to the bible, and I have been writing it for a very long time. I am an immortal, and my immortal soul is mutating my clone/wood body (Evol), and one day it will contain a fusion reaction. My book is a story of star theory. Fusion is abundant energy, but I like fission because it produces waste to feed on. My book was written in a very dark place with help from friends that have always been my friends. I think Derek is the word, Lucifer is God, and Dark Michael is the devil. You may have had a hand in my book, and I'm sorry you have to pay. Join four brothers and their cannibalistic father in a chess match to their split. You are gonna love Shit; He is the funniest. I know that sounds weird because with a name like Derek Michael, you probably thought I was shit. I'm not, but we are gonna get to the bottom of this Shit guy and track him down. I found a link to him, but that is for anther day. Please, enjoy the read, and it is often on me.
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